Semester 1

Course Name and CodeCourse Description
Islamic Religion I (AGI101) - 2 SKS / 3.2 ECTSThis course discusses the The concept of God in Islam, Faith and Piety; Implementation of Faith and Piety in Modern Life; Human Nature According to Islam; Definition of Law, Human Rights, and Democracy in Islam; Islamic Law and the Contribution of Indonesian Muslims; Ethics, and Morals; Science and Technology and Art in Islam; Interreligious Harmony; Civil Society and People's Welfare; Islamic economics; Islamic Culture; Islamic Political System
Catholic Religion I (AGK101) - 2 SKS / 3.2 ECTSThis course discusses why and how Catholic is taught in universities.
Christian Religion I (AGP101) - 2 SKS / 3.2 ECTSThis course discusses why and how Christian is taught in universities.
Hindu Religion I (AGH101) - 2 SKS / 3.2 ECTSThis course discusses why and how Hindu is taught in universities; how to understand the history of the development of Hinduism, how humans believe in and understand their God; understand the Veda as a source of Hindu law; how to build ethics and morality in life; how Hinduism builds unity in diversity; How does Hinduism face the challenges of modernization and development of science and technology; how is the contribution of Hinduism in the development of world civilization; what are the roles and functions of local culture and in the development of Hindu culture; How is Hinduism in its obligations as part of the Indonesian nation; The Challenges of Hindus in Facing the National Moral Crisis, the Crisis of Exemplary and the Crisis of Identity and Ability to Read the Vedas
Pancasila Education (NOP102) - 2 SKS / 3.2 ECTSThis course discusses:
1. Pancasila in the study of national history, Pancasila as the basis of the nation
2. Pancasila as the nation ideology
3. Pancasila as a philosophical system
4. Pancasila as an ethical system
5. Pancasila values ​​as the basis for the development of science
6. The meaning of the Pancasila precepts, and examples of their application in the life of the nation and society
Civics Education (NOP103) - 2 SKS / 3.2 ECTSThis course discusses the following materials: (i) Civics as an orientation to strengthen (and strengthen) the character of the Indonesian nation; (ii) national identity, identity politics and Indonesian nationalism; (iii) State and Constitution, Relations between State and Citizens; (iv) Indonesian Democracy and Democratic Education in Indonesia, the rule of law and human rights; (v) Archipelagic Outlook as Indonesian Geopolitics and National Resilience as Indonesia's Geostrategy in the realm of globalization; (vi) Regional Autonomy (Village Law). State Defense, and World Peace; (vii) National Integration; (viii) Anti-Corruption Education; and (ix) tax compliance
Indonesian (BAI101) - 2 SKS / 3.2 ECTSThis course discusses:
1. History, position, and functions of the Indonesian language, as well as integrated UNAIR general compulsory courses
2. Variety of languages
3. Spelling according to the General Guidelines for Indonesian Spelling (PUEBI), effective sentences, and paragraph development
4. Writing scientific essays (systematic essays scientific, citing techniques, techniques for compiling bibliography, as well as appearance in scientific essays)
5. Scientific presentations.
Data and References (SIP107) - 2 SKS / 3.2 ECTSThis course aims to encourage students to learn to understand how to interpret and use data properly and responsibly, so that students can develop strong and coherent arguments, as well as equip students with the ability to evaluate the quality of arguments of other parties/people. Data literacy will help students to make decisions in everyday life that are guided by data. In addition, students are encouraged to practice searching, reading, evaluating, and sorting claims or information contained in scientific literature. In this course, students are also given the opportunity to practice organizing scientific references with the help of a reference manager application
Health Ethics and Law (ETM101) - 2 SKS / 3.2 ECTSThis course discusses Human Rights (HAM), as well as Rights and Obligations; Bioethics in Health Research and Services; Ethics, Academic Ethics, Health Ethics and Law; Health Code of Ethics; Health Service Code of Ethics; Informed Consent in Health Services; Negligence in Health Services (Malpractice); Professionalism and Professional Oath, which must be mastered by undergraduate students of the Health Study Program (Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Nursing, Faculty of Public Health, Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Veterinary) of Universitas Airlangga in semester 1 at the end of learning Health Ethics and Law.
Communication and Basic Health Services (KMU103) - 2 SKS / 3.2 ECTSThis course discuss the basic concepts of an altruistic attitude, motivation to build empathy as a prospective health professional in solving health problems in global society. The concept of personal and societal behavior in a cultural and health perspective. The basic concept of a holistic approach in health care. Basic concepts and implementation of effective communication and counseling in health services. Definition and basic concept of empathy. Concepts and principles of applying therapeutic communication. The concept of culture in public health. Concept of healthy sick in society. Current public health issues, their causes and solutions. The basic concept of a comprehensive service approach (promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative), development and promotion strategies in health education, application of health promotion settings in health settings. The concept of scientific thinking and critical thinking. The concept of evidence based learning. Appraising scientific information from journals and the internet on the health system
Mathematics (MAT108)Introduction to Nutrition Mathematics, Mathematical Logic, Systems of Linear Equations, Linear Programming, Functions and Graphs of Functions, Limits and Continuity of Functions, Function Derivatives and Their Uses, Extrapolation and Interpolation, Data Presentation, Measures of Concentration, Measures of Spread, Introduction to Probability.
Organic and Anorganic Chemistry (KID109) - 2 SKS / 3.2 ECTSAtomic structure and periodic system; Chemical bonds: ionic bonds, covalent bonds, co-ordinate bonds, hydrogen bonds; stoichiometry; Redox and Thermochemistry; Reaction rate; Reaction Equilibrium; Solution: type and concentration, colligative properties of the solution; Introduction to Organic Chemistry: Aliphatic Hydrocarbons (alkanes and cycloalkanes, alkyl halides) alkenes and alkynes, Aromatic Compounds; Alcohol and Ether