Semester 5

Course Name and CreditsCourse Description
Pathophysiology of Infectious Diseases & Malnutrition (BIF301) - 2 SKS / 3.2 ECTSThe material is about understanding the pathophysiological and physiological infectious disease and nutrient deficiency followed by analyzing mechanisms related to the role of nutrients as risk factors and therapy. The material is delivered through the assignment of making papers and presentations by each individual with a scientific and latest approach by the development of science. The material discusses the pathophysiology of HIV/AIDS, respiratory infections, anemia, malnutrition, upper digestive infections, lower digestive infections, hepatobiliary system infections, and sepsis.
Pathophysiology of Degenerative Diseases (BIF302) - 2 SKS / 3.2 ECTSUnderstanding of the pathophysiology or mechanism of physiological change of disease due to the decline of the function of the body's organs (degenerative process) followed by analysis related to the role of nutrients both as a risk factor and therapy delivered through the assignment of making papers and presentations by each individual with the scientific and latest approach in accordance with development knowledge. The materials to be taught in this course include obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes mellitus, metabolic endovascular disease, cancer, and chronic kidney failure.
Nutrition Care Process (NUM324) - 2 SKS / 3.2 ECTSDiscusses the duties, authorities, and aspects of professional ethics and legality of the Nutritionist in Hospitals; Standardized Nutrition Care Process (NCP) – nutrition assessment, diagnosis, intervention, and monitoring & evaluation; NCP in various cases of disease; Case presentation; and field visits to hospitals
Pharmacology and Drug-Food Interaction (NUF/302) - 1 SKS / 1.6 ECTSThis material explains the principles of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, the concept of absorption of drugs consumed with food, drug boosters and inhibitors, the effect of drug consumption on nutritional status, drug and food interactions in chronic diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, cancer, enteral drug and food interactions, drug interactions. and food in children, the elderly, pregnancy and lactation, the effect of nutritional status on drugs, drug and supplement interactions
Food Consumption Survey (NUM321) - 2 SKS / 3.2 ECTSexplain the principles of food consumption assessment which includes various assessment instruments of food intake and consumption patterns; method of measuring food consumption; analysis and interpretation of food consumption assessment results; and measurement of diet quality, both at the individual, group, and national levels.
Food Consumption Survey Practice (NUM322) 1 SKS / 1.6 ECTSdemonstrating how to conduct an assessment of food consumption which includes assessing food intake and consumption patterns; analysis and interpretation of food consumption assessment results; measurement and analysis of diet quality, both at the individual, group, and national levels.
Sport Nutrition (NUM314) - 2 SKS / 3.2 ECTSThis course discusses sports physiology, metabolism in various sports, energy needs and macro and micronutrients, fluid balance, diet management, determining the nutritional status of athletes by body composition, managing nutrition during training and competition, doping supplementation, and ergogenic aids.
Nutrition Education (NUM203) - 2 SKS/3.2 ECTSThe Nutrition Education course contains: Definition and concept of nutrition education; dietary guidelines; determinants of food selection patterns and changes in dietary patterns: implications for nutrition education; setting, audience and scope of nutrition education; theory of behavior change that underlies nutrition education (health belief model, theory of planned behavior, the precautionary adoption process model, self-determination theory); environmental support for nutrition education: interpersonal environment (family, peers, and social support), organizational-level environment (school setting, workplace setting); nutrition education media; nutrition education strategy in groups and organizations; nutrition education via the web; nutrition education strategy through mass media; designing nutritional education methods and media (assignments).
Nutrition Education (Practice) (NUM323) - 1 SKS / 1.6 ECTSNutrition Education Practicum course contains: Practice of Planning and Implementation and Evaluation of the Success of Nutrition Education by applying the theories of behavioral changes, Theory of Planned Behavior, The Precaution Adoption Process Model, Self-Determination Theory); Environmental support for nutritional education: Interpersonal Environment (Family, Peers, and Social Support), Organizational-Level Environment (School Settings, Workplace Settings); Nutrition education media design; nutritional education strategies in groups and organizations; nutritional education through the web; Nutrition education strategy through mass media.
Nutrition Computation (Practice) (NUM306) 2 SKS / 3.2 ECTSThis course discusses the introduction of software: PPH Software Application; ENA software applications; NBM software applications; WHO-Anthro and WHO-Anthro plus software applications; Nutrisurvey software application; Epi Info App; Nutriclin application, PSG software application
Statistics (MAS210) - 2 SKS / 3.2 ECTSThis course is directed to provide students with an overview of statistical aspects that will be used as a basis for conducting research or thesis. Topics discussed in this course include: Definition, scope and role of statistics in the field of nutrition; data, data scale and data type; Descriptive statistics; centering size; diversity measures; presentation of data; the concept of inferential statistics; theory of probability and random numbers; statistical distribution; estimation test; statistical test selection technique; analysis and presentation of quantitative data in nutritional research and determination of nutritional status.
Statistics Practice (MAS115) 3 SKS / 4.8 ECTSThis course is directed to practice statistical tests that will be used as a basis for conducting research or thesis. Topics discussed in this course include: the concept of inferential statistics; theory of probability and random numbers; statistical distribution; estimation test; statistical test selection technique; analysis and presentation of quantitative data in nutritional research and determination of nutritional status
Food and Nutrition Economics (NUM209) - 2 SKS / 3.2 ECTSThis course discusses the relationship between economic variables with food consumption and nutrition; the relationship between economic development and improved nutrition; economic-policy and its influence on food consumption and nutrition; principles of minimizing the cost of food consumption, feasibility analysis and evaluation of food and nutrition programs, as well as measuring the economic impact of nutrition problems.
Nutritional and Productivity (elective) (NUM311) - 2 SKS / 3.2 ECTSThis course discusses about: Nutrition and work productivity, Nutritional problems in institutions (PEM, obesity, anemia, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, hyperuricemia), specific nutritional problems for female workers (pregnancy, menstruation, lactation), nutritional needs of workers (macro and micronutrients), work environment factors that affect the nutritional state of workers, nutrition of workers in hot places and exposed to radiation, organizing meals in the workplace
Nutrition and HIV/AIDS (elective) (NUM310) - 2 SKS / 3.2 ECTSThis course studies about Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS globally and in Indonesia, The concept of HIV/AIDS and immunity, HIV AIDS-related nutrients (anti-oxidants and trace elements), ARV treatment & nutrition, Use of herbs and non-nutritive supplements for HIV/ADS, Nutrition support & care for adult PLHIV (nutrition needs and nutritional status assessment, nutrition care, treatment, and management of wasting), Nutrition support & care for pregnant and lactating women with HIV positive, for IYC (0-24 months) born to HIV positive mothers, to IYC (0-24 months) who are HIV positive, Nutrition counseling for PLHIV and HIV/AIDS affected groups, HIV/AIDS in the context of food security, and mitigation of the impact of HIV/AIDS
Nutrition in Emergency (elecrive) (NUM313) - 2 SKS / 3.2 ECTSNutrition in Emergency learning included: 1. Main nutrition problem in an emergency (Malnutrition)
2. Nutritional assessment and nutritional surveillance in emergency conditions (individual and population assessment)
3. General Principles of Feeding in Emergency Conditions (Selection of Food Types According to Population Conditions, Rationing, Hygiene Issues, and Distribution)
4. General Principles of Emergency Nutrition in Vulnerable Groups (Infant and Young Child Feeding, Pregnant women, Elderly)
5. Supplementary feeding during emergencies
6. Therapeutic feeding during emergencies
7. Organizing, rehabilitation, monitoring, and evaluation during emergencies
Industrial Nutrition (elective) (NUM312) - 2 SKS / 3.2 ECTSThis course discusses about nutrition in the food industry, supplements and functional food, nutritional research and market research in the food industry, regulations on supplements and functional food, food fortification in Indonesia, food labelling, nutritional labeling and claims, food and nutrition labeling in Infant formula products and special needs baby formulations, Food Additives, Food Irradiation and Biotechnology, Contamination in the food industry, Regulations on food production, Regulations on food distribution, Regulations on food safety, GMP in the food industry