Semester 6

Course Name and CreditsCourse Description
Dietetics of Infectious Diseases and Malnutrition (NUD302) - 2 SKS / 3.2 ECTSTheory and application of nutrition care process due to Infectious Diseases and Malnutrition with scientific approach related to the development of dietetic science. The course discusses about dietetics for airway infections, gastrointestinal tract, HIV/AIDS, malnutrition, hepatitis, and sepsis.
Dietetics of Infectious Diseases and Malnutrition Practice (NUD303) - 1 SKS/1.6 ECTSTheory and application of nutrition care process due to Infectious Diseases and Malnutrition with scientific approach related to the development of dietetic science. The course discusses about dietetics for airway infections, gastrointestinal tract, HIV/AIDS, malnutrition, hepatitis, and sepsis.
Dietetic of Degenerative Disease (NUD304) - 2 sks/ 3.2 ECTSmanagement of standardized nutrition care using the problem-based learning method in various conditions of degenerative diseases with a scientific approach and the latest in accordance with the development of the science of dietetics. The material that will be taught in this course includes dietetics of cancer, hypertension, dyslipidemia, coronary heart disease, stroke, metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus, kidney failure.
Dietetic of Degenerative Disease (Practice) (NUD305) - 1 sks practice / 1.6 ECTSManagement of standardized nutrition care using the problem-based learning method in various conditions of degenerative diseases with a scientific approach and the latest in accordance with the development of the science of dietetics. The material that will be taught in this course includes dietetics of cancer, hypertension, dyslipidemia, coronary heart disease, stroke, metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus, kidney failure.
Field Work (3 SKS / 4.8 ECTS)This course discusses the philosophy and basic concept of field work, application of appropriate technology in rural areas, role of students in development, identification of analysis of problems faced by rural communities, village community participation in development, communication in rural communities, and village development.
Nutrition Counseling (KNM401) 3 SKS / 4.8 ECTSThis course discusses about the introduction to nutritional counseling; counseling interview approaches and techniques; Transtheoretical Model and Motivational Interviewing; theory and hands-on practice of counseling in various groups and settings (pregnant women, lactating women, children, adolescents, people with diabetes mellitus, gout arthritis, hypertension, the elderly, prospective pilgrims, and child growth).
Research Methodology (PNM491) - 2 SKS / 3.2 ECTShis course discusses the introduction of research methods. Scientific and Non-Scientific Knowledge; The scope of research in the field of nutrition; Qualitative and quantitative approaches in research. It also explained about the systematics of writing a thesis proposal including: background preparation, problem identification, problem formulation, research objectives and benefits, research conceptual framework and hypotheses, research methods which include research types and designs, population and samples, operational variables and definitions, processing and data analysis techniques and research ethics. Furthermore, it also discusses how to display research results, make discussions, conclusions and suggestions. In addition, students are also taught how to write scientific articles in accordance with the style of journals managed by the Department of Health Nutrition, namely Media Nutrition Indonesia (MGI) and Amerta Nutrition.
Urban Nutrition (NUM318) - 2 SKS / 3.2 ECTSThis course explains nutritional problems that occur in urban areas, such as double and triple malnutrition, its causes (genetic, fetal programming, individual variation, lifestyle, behavior, sociocultural impact, food, economic, physical and built environment). In addition, this course also discusses the demographic transition, epidemiological transition, and nutrition transition. This course also discusses the existing dual nutrition problem programs and policies.
Nutrition and Program Evaluation (NUM207) - 2 SKS / 3.2 ECTSThis course discusses the steps for compiling and evaluating community nutrition programs which include the stages of situation analysis, problem prioritization, problem analysis, identification and SWOT analysis of problem solving alternatives, setting activity goals and targets, compiling activity matrices, and evaluating program success for various nutritional problems such as protein energy deficiency, obesity, chronic energy deficiency, anemia, lack of vitamin A, Iodine Deficiency Disorders, food safety and food security
Nutrition Epidemiology (NUM210) - 2 SKS / 3.2 ECTSThis course discusses: Description and distribution of nutritional diseases, Determinants and variables of nutritional diseases, Validity and reliability of nutritional consumption and intake assessment: 24-hour dietary recall, Validity and reliability of nutritional consumption and intake assessment: food frequency questionnaire, sensitivity and specificity biochemical indicators of nutritional status, sensitivity and specificity of anthropometric and body composition assessment, Bias in nutritional assessment, Epidemiological research design, experimental research, analysis and presentation of dietary data, nutritional surveillance
English (2 SKS / 3.2 ECTS)This course discusses the introduction of English for Academic Purposes; Grammar; Vocabulary; Pronunciation. Reading and listening in academic contexts: understanding the content and structure of information delivered both orally and (written) in print form. Reading and listening in academic contexts:  reading and listening for different purposes e.g. as input to tasks, and for developing specific reading or listening skills. Reading and listening in academic contexts: using a dictionary to obtain lexical, phonological and orthographical information. Written academic communication: identifying and writing functions common in written academic discourse; note-taking from reading and listening inputs; Written academic communication: understanding and applying principles of academic text structure; developing paraphrasing, summarising and referencing skills; Written academic communication: improving editing and proofreading skills; achieving appropriate tone and style in academic writing. Spoken academic communication:  recognising the purposes of and differences between spoken and written communication in English in academic contexts; identifying and practising interactional and linguistic aspects of participation in seminar discussions; Spoken academic communication: discussing issues requiring the development and application of creative and critical thinking; Spoken academic communication: preparing and delivering oral presentations.
Vegetarian Nutrition (elective) (NUM315) - 2 SKS / 3.2 ECTSThis course discusses: History of vegetarianism, descriptions, types and trends; Vegetarian Diet and Risk Factors for Coronary Heart Disease; Vegetarian Diet and Cancer Risk; Vegetarian Diet and Obesity Prevention; Vegetarian Diet and Prevention of Osteoporosis and Diabetes; Growth and Development of Vegetarian Children and Adolescents; Vegetarian Diet for Pregnant and Breastfeeding Mothers; Vegetarian Diet for the Elderly; Vegetarian Diet for Athletes; Nutrients that need attention on a vegetarian diet; Health-Promoting Phytochemicals; Vegetarian Diet, Dietary Guidelines; Vegetarian Food Guide
Consumer Behavior (elective) (PSO403) - 2 SKS / 3.2 ECTSThis course explains and provides an understanding of the concepts, definitions, characteristics, and benefits of nutrition science and the latest research concerning the marketing of nutritional products.
Geriatric Nutrition (elective) (NUM326) - 2 SKS / 3.2 ECTSDiscusses geriatrics starting from the definition of geriatrics, the aging process (physical, physiological, psychological, and hormonal changes), anthropometric measurements and determining the nutritional status of the elderly, elderly nutritional problems, individual and community elderly nutritional services, nutritional needs and menu planning for healthy elderly and diseases, nutritional needs and menu planning in community elderly nutrition services, antioxidants and activities for the elderly, myths related to elderly nutrition, and application of elderly nutrition services
Functional food (elective) (NUM327) - 2 SKS / 3.2 ECTSThis course discusses about the concepts of probiotics, prebiotics, synbiotics, and paraprobiotics, as well as the concept of phytochemicals as antioxidants. In addition, students are also able to explain definitions, characteristics, sources, metabolism, health benefits, and the latest research on a number of compounds in functional foods such as sugar alcohols, dietary fiber, fermented metabolites (SCFA and peptides), polyphenols, flavonoids and isoflavones, phytosterols and phytostanol, choline, lecithin, inositol, carnitine, squalene, caffeine. Also Students are expected to be able to explain definitions, characteristics, sources, metabolism, health benefits, and research on a number of compounds in nutraceuticals such as glucosamine, chondroitin, methylsulfonylmethan, coenzyme Q10, melatonin, octacosanol/policosanol, S-adenosyl methionine, MUFA/PUFA, GLA, ALA , CLA, flax lignin, pycnogenol, resveratrol, beta glucan, lycopene, lutein, zeaxanthin, astaxanthin, lipoic acid, dehydroepiandrosterone, and keratin.