Paris Olympics 2024: Sustainable Food Innovations at International Events, Challenges and Commitments Towards Responsible Consumption (SDGs 12: Responsible Consumption and Production)

France successfully involved 10,500 athletes in 329 events from 32 sports in its biggest event, the Paris 2024 Olympics, which took place from July 26 to August 11. Not only as a competition, the Olympics is also an opportunity to highlight how creative and sustainable food can be produced at major international events, as highlighted in its “Food Vision”. In other words, the Paris 2024 Olympics envisions the implementation of the knowledge and creativity of French cuisine to create more responsible eating habits in stadiums and during sporting events by collaborating with a rich and dedicated food ecosystem, ranging from farmers, chefs, nutritionists, artisans, restaurateurs, caterers, nutritionists to specific associations.

For the success of the event, Paris 2024 is in close communication with nutritionists from the National Olympic Committee and is willing to make any further adjustments needed to the food service. Sodexo Live is the official catering partner entrusted with the control of athletes’ intake while in the 2024 Olympic Village. Sodexo Live said it will always listen to input from athletes, given that one Olympic swimmer, Adam Peaty, complained that the Paris

Olympics’ promise to focus on plant-based dishes had led to the counter that the protein offered to athletes was below standard values. Quoted from the official Paris 2024 website,, it is mentioned in one of the six key commitments of Paris 2024 that a policy of 2x more plant-based food on the plate for 2x less CO2. Sodexo Life was quick to respond, increasing the number of eggs, roasts and other popular items to address supply logistics and meet the needs of the athletes. Nonetheless, the commitments raised by Paris 2024 are not all bad. Compared to its predecessor, Paris 2024 appears to have increased its environmental and social ambitions, such as its determination to halve the amount of single-use plastics in the consumption phase. With this set of commitments, the Paris Olympics is also promoting Sustainable Development Goal Number Twelve, Responsible Consumption and Production.

Author: Adhia Raidah Kusdiyanti NIM     : 192231017

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