GAM 2023: Let’s Decrease Stunting!

Gizi Abdi Masyarakat (GAM) is one of the flagship work programs of the AMAZI Community Service Division of BEM FKM UNAIR. GAM 2023 has a theme to overcome nutritional problems that occur in Indonesia, namely stunting. With the title “Let’s Reduce Stunting!” the GAM 2023 activity was held on Saturday (14/10/23) at the Tanah Kali Kedinding Village Office with participants from the surrounding society in Tanah Kali Kedidinding Village. This activity was held from 7 am to 2 pm.

The activity began with participant registration at 8 am. After that, participants were invited to enter the room. The activity was opened with remarks delivered by the Chief Executive, Chairperson of AMAZI, Head of the Undergraduate Nutrition Study Program, and Head of the Kenjeran Sub-District. After the speech was over, all participants were given a pre-test by filling out the question paper given by the committee. Then, continued with counseling material about stunting. This counseling activity was delivered by Anisah Firdaus Rahmawati, S.Gz. The speaker said that the improvement of stunting will be much more optimal if done before the child reaches the age of 2 years. Prevention of stunting can be done by providing exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months, providing processed foods that contain animal protein in complementary foods, and so on.

After the presentation was completed, a discussion, and Q&A session was opened and guided by the Master of Ceremony. Participants were invited to ask questions and discuss the topic material and case studies that exist in everyday life. After completion, followed by ice breaking, which is a quiz with prizes. The event continued with the second speaker session, namely “Balanced Nutrition and How to use Salt with Safety”. This second speaker session was delivered by Ajinomoto. In the second speaker session, there was also a discussion and question and answer session, as well as a video screening from Ajinomoto.

After both presentations were completed, participants were again given paper to fill in the post-test. The purpose of filling out this post-test is to measure how far the participants understand after receiving the material provided. Then, the activity continued with a game followed by a live class cooking demo. This cooking demo live class activity was guided by Chef Rika Anugerah Trisnaniati Romy, A.Md.

After the cooking demonstration was over, the activity continued with rewarding the winners of quizzes and games. Then, continued with the distribution of ‘sembako’ to all participants. The event was closed with a group prayer and documentation session at around 1:30 pm.


Author : Arvina Tria Nitami

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