The ‘Kampung Emas’ program is an off-campus student learning activity that aims to empower communities towards independent villages to accelerate the reduction of stunting prevalence at the village level. This program is a form of collaboration between Universitas Airlangga, which is a member of the East Java Stunting Awareness Consortium, and the Surabaya City Government. The ‘Kampung Emas’ activity is carried out by involving the role of students as a form of Learning with the Community (BBK) activities. This activity lasted for two months from October to December.
The participants of the ‘Kampung Emas’ program are students of Universitas Airlangga who are currently studying in semester 5 or 7. This activity was attended by 5th Semester Nutrition Students of FKM UNAIR. This activity focuses on stunting prevention efforts with upstream targets, namely adolescents, brides-to-be, pregnant women, and lactating mothers.
Activities are carried out by organizing Layanan Terpadu Pranikah (LADUNI), Social Behaviour Change Communication : Bunda Teredukasi Sehat, Hebat, Peduli Gizi (SBCC-BESTIEZ), and Formulasi Pangan Lokal Seimbang, Beragam, berbasis hewani (FORMULASI PANGAN BERIMAN). The activity was opened with a briefing given to students and Field Supervisors (DPL). The implementation of this activity was carried out on Saturdays and Sundays, namely students went down to the community directly.
The implementation of Kampung Emas this year involves 459 students who will be deployed in 153 villages in Surabaya City. By holding this program, it is hoped that students can actively participate in efforts to prevent and accelerate the reduction of stunting in Surabaya City. In addition, students are expected to have new experiences and knowledge while participating in this activity program.
Author : Arvina Tria Nitami