MODIS X Guest Lecture: “The Detection, Stability and Processing Impacts on Phenolic Acids as Nutraceuticals, with Emphasis on Ferulic Acid and It’s Derivatives”

MODIS (Monthly Discussion) X Guest Lecture with the theme “The Detection, Stability and Processing Impacts on Phenolic Acids as Nutraceuticals, with Emphasis on Ferulic Acid and It’s Derivatives” was held via Zoom meeting on Tuesday, August 15, 2020. The webinar was held online and attended by all students of Nutrition FKM UNAIR. This guest lecture activity needs to be followed by students to broaden their horizons as well as to understand the basic concepts and uses of nutraceuticals, antioxidants, and phenolic acids in the real world and the Public Health. This event supports and realizes the 3rd SDG’s Good health and well-being, the 4th SDG’s Quality education, and the 17th SDG’s Partnerships for the goals.

The webinar was started at 09:00 WIB and moderated by Ni Nyoman Benedicta Avrilia Griselda, a Student of Nutrition FKM UNAIR 2022. The event was opened by an opening statement from Dr. Siti Rahayu Nadhiroh, S.KM, M.Kes. The keynote speaker is Ts. Dr. Nicholas M.H Khong, BSc.(Hon), PhD, R TCM P. a lecturer in Pharmaceutical Technology, School of Pharmacy, Monash University Malaysia. He completed his BSc (Hons) degree in Biochemistry & Microbiology and PhD in Medical Biotechnology at Universiti Putra Malaysia.

Nutraceutical is a term derived from the word “nutrition” and “pharmaceutical”. Nutraceuticals can be defined as food or part of a food that provides medical or health benefits, including the prevention and/or treatment of a disease. Nutraceuticals are closer to us than we could have imagined. We could find a sample of nutraceuticals in the real world, for example, food supplements, prebiotics, probiotics, herbs/natural products, etc.

Nutraceuticals, in contrast to pharmaceuticals, are substances, which usually have no patent protection. Both pharmaceutical and nutraceutical compounds might be used to cure or prevent disease, but only pharmaceutical compounds have governmental sanction.

Factors for development and evaluation of herbs used in the development of nutraceuticals. Major factors considered in the development of nutraceuticals and dietary supplement is chemo analysis and metabolite profiling, for example, bioactive compound quantification, adulterated & spurious drug determination, metabolite fingerprinting, standardization of herbs, quality consistency, and stability of formulations. Quality-related safety issues, for example, formulation & development, herb-drug interaction, safety & toxicity profile, regulatory aspects, pharmacovigilance, risk assessments, IPR & final product, and global market.

Phenolic compounds are compounds with the basic structural feature of an aromatic ring bearing one or more hydroxyl groups. The type structure of phenolic acid is Hydroxybenzoic Acids and Hydroxycinnamic Acids.  Phenolic acids are defined chemically as carboxylic acids derived from either benzoic or cinnamic acid skeletons.

Antioxidants reduce free radicals. The free radical is a chemically reactive unpaired electron, so the antioxidant is donating an electron to make stable electron pair is performed, and free radicals neutralized. A plant-based antioxidant is equal to phenolic acid.

Nowadays, nutraceuticals have received considerable interest due to their potential nutritional, safety and therapeutic effects.

The presentation lasted for two hours. Participants seemed focused on listening and understanding the material presented by the speaker. In the middle of the event, a 15-minute break was held which was filled with discussion and Q&A sessions. After the speaker session was over, the event continued with another discussion and Q&A session which lasted about 15 minutes. After that, the event was closed with a documentation session. The event ended at 11:00 WIB.

Author : Arvina Tria Nitami

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