Table Manner Training at Grand Darmo Suite: The Importance of Table Manner for Nutrition Students

Table Manner Training was held on Monday (4/12/23) and Tuesday (5/12/23) at the Grand Darmo Suite. This activity was attended by all 3rd Semester Undergraduate Nutrition Students and lasted for two days, the class of Nutrition 3B was held on Monday and the class of Nutrition 3A on Tuesday. This table manners activity is a series of learning activities for Culinary Fundamentals. By doing this activity, it is hoped that undergraduate nutrition students can understand and be able to implement the knowledge of table manners in their lives, especially when attending formal dining events.

This activity was accompanied by several lecturers, namely Mrs. Emyr Reisha Isaura, S.Gz., MPH., Ph.D., Mrs. Anisa Lailatul Fitria, S.Gz., M.Sc., Mr. Dominikus Raditya Atmaka, S.Gz., MPH., Mrs. Aliffah Nurria Nastiti, S.Gz., and Mrs. Asri Meidyah Agustin, A.Md.Gz. The activity started at 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. and was located at the Grand Darmo Suite which is located in the Bungkul City Park area, precisely on Jalan Progo.

This training activity was organized from various series of activities starting with the registration of all participants at 08.30 am until 09.00 am participants were invited to enter the ballroom. The training was opened by speeches from the Head of the Undergraduate Nutrition Study Program, the Secretary of the Department of Nutrition, and the Head of Grand Darmo Suite. After the speeches were over, participants were invited to carry out a Hotel Tour. This hotel tour activity aims to introduce all training participants to the facilities and infrastructure and operational facilities at the Grand Darmo Suite directly. Each participant is divided into several teams which are then accompanied by one hotel tour guide in each team. The hotel tour guide invites participants to tour the various facilities in the hotel and explains the function of each existing facility and infrastructure. Participants are allowed to ask questions and discuss during the hotel tour. Participants are also allowed to see the facilities in the hotel room directly.

After the hotel tour was over, all participants re-entered the ballroom to attend the table manners session. Table manners is a rule and procedure that regulates how to sit, use cutlery, and eat etiquette during a dining event. Table manners is needed to understand the manners that apply in a banquet. The table manners session was hosted by a Master of Ceremony (MC). The MC gave an explaine the history of table manners, things that must be considered when attending a banquet, and the importance of knowing table manners. After the material explanation was completed, the MC guided the participants to perform table manners according to the rules, by explaining the use of cutlery, dining etiquette, and so on. The appetizer menu is Gourmet salad served with Vinaigrette Dressings, then for soup is Asparagus cream and garlic bread, the main course menu is Beef medallion with mashed potato, sauteed broccoli garlic served with BBQ sauce, and dessert is Cheese crepes n’ ice with strawberry sauce. In the middle of the table manners training, the chef who served today’s dishes was also present. Participants are welcome to ask questions related to the menu and the process of serving the food served today.

After the table manners session was over, it was followed by a live class with a barista. In this live class session, participants were taught basic knowledge about coffee, such as how to distinguish robusta and arabica coffee beans, techniques for smoothing coffee beans with or without tools, and also taught how to make coffee lattes and latte art. Participants were invited to try and practice directly using a coffee machine and using a coffee grinder. Participants were also taught how to make good coffee. This live class latte art activity aims to introduce participants to the world of coffee and also to broaden their knowledge in the field of latte art. This live class activity is the final event of today’s training activities. Afterwards, all participants and the team carried out a documentation session which also marked the end of the training activities.

Author : Arvina Tria Nitami

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